

1865. We are informed that a discovery of a bituminous fluid resembling petroleum has been made at Kangaroo Island. Mineral claims have, we understand, been taken out, and a Company will shortly be formed to test the value of the discovery. A condensed sample of the mineral has been analyzed, and it is found to contain a large proportion of petroleum.

SIR JAMES HURTLE FISHER. (1865, December 5). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 2. Retrieved August 6, 2019, from 


1866. Some 18 or 20 years ago Mr. Tolmer, in the exercise of his functions as chief officer of police, went to Kangaroo Island in search of certain bushrangers. On a beach at the south side of the island he observed numerous fragments of a substance resembling pitch. A native woman, who accompanied the party as a guide, told them there was plenty of the same substance among the rocks, and Mr. Tolmer subsequently learned that Mr. F. Potts, Mr. Walker, Mr. N. Thomas, and others had been in the habit of using the mineral in lieu of imported pitch in paying the seams of the vessels and boats built and repaired by them on the island. Some months ago Mr. Tolmer was forcibly struck with the resemblance between the natural pitch of his island remembrances and the New South Wales mineral recently exhibited at the Adelaide Exchange. The consequence was another and protracted visit to Kangaroo Island, during a leave of absence from official duties. Mr. N. Thomas, a settler in the island who is associated in the adventure, became Mr. Tolmer's guide, and accompanied him to the spot where the petroleum exudes from fissures in the rock. A claim has been lodged on behalf of the associated discoverers. It may be mentioned that during the recent explorations a discovery was made of an extinct volcano, from which some specimens have been brought, and will be placed in the hands of the Curator of the Museum.

(1866, January 25). South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), p. 2. 


The discovery of what are thought to be petroleum deposits on Kangaroo Island has interested the Navy Office, but so far no samples have arrived for analysis. The Minister of Defence has agreed to have tests made, and if they are satisfactory an expert will be sent to the island to make a thorough investigation, as the importance of discovering Australian oil deposits can not be overestimated from the naval point of view. An unofficial report from Adelaide states that Dr. Basedow was sent to Kangaroo Island by a syndicate to report on the fields, and expressed very optimistic opinions as to the discovery.

Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Saturday 10 August 1912, page 16

1912  The Commonwealth Defence Department intends to have tests made of petroleum shale said to exist over a large area of the interior of Kangaroo Island, South Australia.  

NEWS OF THE WEEK. (1912, August 1). The Worker (Wagga, NSW : 1892 - 1913), p. 25.  

1912  Despite the adverse report of the Government Geologist, the Kangaroo Island (S.A.) Oil Exploration Syndicate has made up its mind to have another try. The syndicate's expert, Dr. Basedow, has exhibited the results of several experiments, "which indicate that oil may be discovered on the island." Of course it may. The lost ten tribes of Israel may also be discovered there.

THE CRITIC (1912, September 29). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved August 6, 2019, from 


[1912] A mass of "petroleum" as big as a man's two fists; was brought to "The Advertiser" office on Tuesday morning by Mr. E. S. Bates, of Kangaroo Island, who stated that he had picked it up on the shore near the spot where the springs were reported to have existed. The mass was soft like pitch, and jet black. A piece was broken off, and it burned readily, giving off an odor like a smoking kerosine lamp. Mr. Bates, who is an old settler of Kangaroo Island, complains that Mr. Ward, the Government Geologist, did not have the guidance of one who knew the locality thoroughly, and consequently did not know exactly where to go to make his investigations, when he was sent over to report on the discovery. Mr. Bates stated that he could remember when five springs were running and pouring out this substance as fast as a man could cart it away. He has seen it come out black, brown, and as white as pure paraffin wax. It solidifies on exposure. None of those springs is running now, and Mr. Bates' theory is that a shifting of the cliffs or some other natural disturbance has closed the vent, and the "petroleum" has broken but again further out at sea, where it rises to the surface, and is carried to the shore. He contends that the new outbreak cannot be far out, as he says the petroleum will not float for long, when the lighter oils go out. Therefore, he argues, if it were far out to sea none of it would reach the shore. He believes that if a bore were put down on the site of the original springs the supply would be tapped again.

Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Tuesday 10 September 1912, page 2

1913  See Ephraim Bates's challenge to the late Government Geologist (Mr Brown) and his successor Mr. Ward.

PETROLEUM (1913, October 28). Daily Herald (Adelaide, SA : 1910 - 1924), p. 5. 
See THE STANDARD OIL TRUST. (1913, January 11). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 6. 



When it became known that Mr K. R. Moure, the well-known petroleum geologist and oil-well operator, was to visit the Island and conduct an examination of the re ported petroliferous areas existing here, general satisfaction was expressed, and it is hoped that the much debated question as to whether the Island is to become a wealthy oil-producing centre or not will be definitely settled. In the course of an interview with Mr Moure bearing on this subject the expert stated that so far his examination had been distinctly favorable, and as a result a boring plant would, in all probability, be in operation on K.I. in March. Mr Moure stated in referring to his previous visit here 12 years ago, that he advised boring near Pennington Bay at that time, and was surprised to find that since then nothing had been done to prove or disprove the opinion he then ex pressed. He also greatly marvels at the apathy of Kingscote residents on not insisting upon the Government bore at Kingscote being carried to a greater depth when it was discontinued in, a brine-producing zone. This bore discovered a tertiary deposit over 1000 feet in depth and passed through limestone, sandstone, clays and 12 different shales, striking the brine supply at 1,049 feet. At 1,095 feet the bore was discontinued upon a formation described as 'hard blue slate', being met with, and Mr Moure's opinion, as an experienced oil-borer, is that this is just where operations should have been vigorous ly proceeded with. 'But,' he said, it is too late now for the Kingscote people to wake up, as arrangements have been made for other people to handle it. Mr Moure, accompanied by Mr A, R. Campbell, has made a searching examination of 50 square miles of country mostly in the Hundred of Haines, traversing that area in all directions from Point Tinline to Pennington Bay and the Salt Lake, and from American River to Nepean Bay. He also paid a flying visit to the Murray's Lagoon country. The petroliferous indications will be fully dealt with in Mr Moore's report to his London principals. The area presents geological features resembling in a great many respects those met with in oilfields in other countries, but the nature of the superficial tertiary mantle covering the older rooks can only be precisely determined by the modern up-to-date oil-boring 'rig' which it is hoped will soon be at work. Mr Moure draws attention to the fact that bores do not always meet with immediate success even in know oil-fields, and in the State of California the pioneer oil finders bored for 21 years before they struck the flow of wealth so that a series of bores is absolutely essential. In reference to operations on Eyre's Peninsula Mr Moore explained that a boring 'rig' costing £1,000 has been constructed by Messes, J. H. Horwood & Sons, and on his return to the city will be shipped to Eyre's Peninsula and boring operations commenced on sites selected by him. This work will be carried on by an Adelaide company and Mr Moore states there is every indication of success. Mr Moure mentions that the Eyre's Peninsula residents are enthusiastic and supplied him with all the local information possible, thus materially assisting him in his examination, and this is in marked contrast to the attitude of Islanders. Since the subject of petroleum was first mooted on K.I. several residents have come for-ward with reports of knowledge of sure indications— some have seen petroleum oozing from rocks, others say they know of the existence of bitumen springs, and mud volcanoes — but except in a couple of instances one feels inclined to doubt the correctness of these reports when the people do not come forward and offer to conduct geologists and others interested to the locality of their respective finds, knowing as they must do that if petroleum is discovered here the future of the Island and all upon it is assured. ' The people here,' said Mr Moure ' have excellent opportunities in front of them, but the fact of the matter Is they are asleep. Settlement took place 78 years ago and you are very little further advanced yet. You need galvanising. You have one of the best summer resorts in the world, but what are you doing to improve or advertise it ? Absolutely nothing ! One hears-of the advancement made during the past few years but since I was here 12 years ago I cannot see much. Certainly you have built a fine hotel and a few houses, but beyond that there has been nothing done towards improvement. The trouble is there's too much talk and too little ' do' in this country, and you can't expect to find oil with labels on the barrels ready for shipment. This applies all round and unless you ' hustle some' some of you on K.I. are going to get badly left. Wake up right now.' Mr Moure desires to acknowledge the valuable assistance rendered him during his visit by Messrs A. H. Campbell, F. H. Winch, and J. M. Ward (manager of the Common wealth Salt Go.), whose local know ledge and organisation greatly facilitated his inspection.

Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), Saturday 17 January 1914, page 4PETROLEUM ON KANGAROO ISLAND. (1914, January 17). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5.


From E. S. BATES. Hog Bay, K.I.:—It was with much pleasure that I read the report of Mr. H. Piersen's second visit of inspection to the American Beach Oil Company's property in Kangaroo Island. It is evident that Mr. Pierson is more confident than others as to the existence [illegible] . Personally I have been satisfied on this point for many years, as is evidenced by the many letters I have written on the subject from time to time to "The Advertiser," covering a period of at least 30 years or more.

But the trouble has always been to convince the public of the fact. When Mr. Piersen made his first examination I, in company with several other local gentlemen was present, and we saw for ourselves the marvellous manner in which the "divining rod" worked for him. He was a complete stranger to the country, and no person had given him any information as to where he was likely to locate the oil, yet with the rod he was able to find it, and traced its course almost right across the island to the south coast, and, to my astonishment, almost to the very site of the old oil or petroleum springs that used to exist there many years ago. This fact convinced me the rod was speaking the truth, and that the oil strata of rocks ran right across the island to the American Beach, where only last winter many tons of a bituminous substance suddenly made their appearance on the beach. This substance no doubt had its origin in the same strata as rocks that underlie the company's property on the shore. When Mr. G. R. Andrew, M. E., saw the property he gave it as his opinion that "oil should found at less than 1,000 ft." Local residents are showing their confidence by subscribing largely to the share list, and it is to be hoped that the few remaining unsold shares will soon be taken up in order that the company can get to work and bring the oil to the surface for the good of Australia in general and Kangaroo Island in particular.

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Wednesday 16 March 1921, page 12


1922. Mr. Keith Ward, the Government Geologist, in his report concerning the supposed oil discovery on American Beach, Kangaroo Island, expressed the opinion that the oil on the shore came from a steamer using oil fuel. He also expressed the opinion that the divining rod is useless, either for the purpose of locating oil or water.

TELEGRAMS. (1922, January 20). The Narracoorte Herald (SA : 1875 - 1954), p. 2.

[1922]  OIL. KANGAROO ISLAND. The superintendent of boring operations for the American Beach (K.I.) Oil Company, N.L., at Kangaroo Island, South Australia, reported, on October 5: —"No. 2 Bore: The drill is now down to 832ft. still in hard blue rock, with occasional softer bands. Gas is stronger than ever."

West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Thursday 19 October 1922, page 8

1922.  KANGAROO ISLAND. The secretary of the American Beach (K.I.) Oil Co., N.L; reported as follows on November 1 regarding oil boring operations at No. 2. bore on Kangaroo Island, South Australia: "The bore is now down to 900ft., but the drill has been stopped for about a week repairing tools. The drill is still in blue rock containing alternate layers of hard and soft stratas. Gas is increasing with depth, and burns fiercely, throwing a flame about lft. above the bore, and also burning well down into the bore."

West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Thursday 9 November 1922, page 10

Kangaroo Island Oil Find 

It is now [1934] about 40 years since the little town of Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island, now known as Penneshaw, was plunged into wild excitement at the reported discovery of a spring of oil on the south coast of the island. In those days large pieces of bitumen were often found on the coast, having been washed up by the sea. 

A young man of the town decided to have a joke with the residents, and he told a friend one afternoon in strict secrecy that he had found a spring of oil. They agreed to say nothing about it until they had pegged out their oil lease, which they decided to do as soon as a miner's right could be obtained. 

It so happened that no miner's right could be obtained at Hog Bay, and they decided to wait until that evening and then ride to Cape Willoughby, a distance of 18 miles, and despatch a telegram for a miner's right. It was agreed that this should be done by the friend, who set off that evening on a medium draught horse on his 36 mile ride. 

The same evening the finder told another friend of his wonderful discovery and he, not being very conversant with mining regulations, went to a local justice of the peace for advice. The latter said that he would ride to Cape Willoughby straight away and wire for a miner's right for each of them, after which they would each peg out a claim. 

While they were waiting for the miner's rights to arrive, the finder arranged with both his friends that, in order to save time, he would meet them near the scene of the discovery. He would walk out there in advance while they, as soon as their miner's right reached them through the post, were to ride out with it as quickly as possible. 

The friend who was first told of the find got a good start, but the justice of the peace, being mounted on a faster horse, soon overtook him. As he did not know the exact locality of the find, he arranged with the other man to share the discovery. 

News of the reported find, however, had by this time leaked out, and a rush had set out from Hog Bay in pursuit of the peggers. All through the morning men continued to arrive and to peg claims, irrespective of the fact that they had no miner's rights. 

The original finder had not put in an appearance yet, and no one was sure of the exact locality of the find, although every likely spot had been pegged. 

He arrived some time after midday, and appeared surprised at seeing such a crowd there. When he was asked to show them the spring, he said he would not show it to a crowd, and nothing could move him from that decision. 

It gradually began to dawn on them that they had been hoaxed, and when this was realised the finder was called everything but a gentleman. So ended the great Kangaroo Island oil find. — 'Kingscote.'

Real Life Stories Of South Australia (1934, September 20). Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), p. 13.