Rifle Club
1904. June 6.-The Kingscote Rifle Club is going ahead, and already 20 rifles have been forwarded to the captain (Mr. G. G. Ayliffe). Arrangements are being made to have the range fixed up at once. The land for the range has been lent by Mr. M. Florance.
THE COUNTRY. (1904, June 8). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 8. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4976581August 1.-The Kingscote Rifle Club have now completed their rifle range în the paddock lent by Mrs. M. Florance. Those who have seen the site believe it to be one of the best situations for rifle shooting in the State. The targets are flxed in a washaway, and are of' a revolving character, so that while one target is in sight the other cannot be seen by the rifle-men. The marksman's hut is a cutting in the side of the washaway, and is one of the safest possible places. There is also the disappearing target of the head and shoulder type, and the moving target; which works on pulleys moved from inside the marksman's hut.
RIFLE SHOOTING. (1904, August 6). The Advertiser, p. 11. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4994377August 29.-The Kingscote Rifle Club started their preliminary rifle practice at their range on August 27. There were over 35 members present, besides a large number of visitors. The weather was boisterous, and heavy rain was continually falling. The highest scores for the day were W. Edwards 23, G. G. Ayliffe 20, V. H. F. Cook 20. The targets, which are of a revolving type, worked well. The club is badly in need of more rifles, as it has only 20 rifles and over 40 members.
THE COUNTRY. (1904, August 30). The Advertiser ), p. 8. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article50013951906. KINGSCOTE (K.I.), July 16.-The annual meeting of the Kingscote Defence Rifle Club members took place on July 14. There was a very fair attendance, Mr. F. Addison (captain) presiding. The secretary (Mr. H. Partridge) read the yearly report, which showed that a great improvement had taken place. During the year the club had joined the Affiliated Rifle Clubs' Association. Matches had also been fired against Wasleys and Second Valley clubs, and against a team from the gunboat Protector. In addition the club had fired in the district club matches, and with 11 clubs competing, came sixth on the list. The following officers were elected:-Captain, Mr. H. L. Tucker; hon. secretary, Mr. R. L. Barrett; treasurer, Mr. H. Partridge; committee, Messrs. F. Addison, G. G. Ayliffe, M. Chapman, and V. H. F. Cook. Those who qualified for the musketry course during the year were:—Marksmen—F. Addison, H. L. Tucker. W. Potter, J. Potter, C. Hartwig. M. Chapman, W. Chapman, F. Porter; first class—G. G. Ayliffe, A. G. Boxer, V. H. F. Cook, G. Gobell, A. Gobell, J. Frazer, J. Northcote. H. Partridge. G. Taylor. W. Wren; second class—R. L. Barrett, H. Hemer, G. Nichols, F. Grenwood, third class—G. Barnes, B. Airy, W. Cook, J. A. Carter, W. Hawke, and M. Smith.
THE COUNTRY. (1906, July 21). The Advertiser , p. 12. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article5088597Local Rifle Notes.
1907 The second shoot of the series indulged in by members of the Kingscote Rifle Club for the Robert Buchanan and Co's Cup will take place on Saturday next, Nov. 16. commencing at 10.30 a.m. The captain has heard unofficially, that the commandant of the S.A. Military forces, Colonel Lee, will visit the Island shortly and inspect range, rifles and accoutrements.
Local Rifle Notes. (1907, November 9). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 4. Retrieved August 3, 2019, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1916369591907 The Penneshaw Small Bore Rifle Club has added another to its already long list of wins, the latest victims being the members of the Mt Crawford team. It can now boast of being one of the best and most consistent teams in the State.
Hog Bay News. (1907, December 14). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 6. Retrieved August 4, 2019, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1916372521907 The Commandant of the S.A. Military Forces, Colonel Lee, has announced that he will arrive in Kingscote next Wednesday night, and will hold an inspection of the Rifle Club on the range on Saturday, Dec. 14. He will be accompanied by Mr C. C. Castine, the Secretary of the Rifle Clubs' Association. All members are particularly requested to be present on that day and have their rifles in good order, so that the Commandant may report favorably on our club. A meeting of all the members of the club will be held in the Ozone Hotel at 7.30 next Monday to decide in what manner the Commandant will be entertained. The third series of the competition for the "James Buchanan & Coy," trophy will take place on Saturday, Dec. 14, commencing at 10.30 a.m.
Rifle Notes. (1907, December 7). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 4. Retrieved August 3, 2019, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1916296141907 Smoke Social.
Amongst the passengers by the steamer Karatta, which arrived at Kingscote on Wednesday evening, were Colonel Lee (Commandant of the South Australian Military Forces), Mrs Lee, and Mr C. C. Castine (Secretary of the Rifle Clubs Association). A meeting of the members of the Kingscote Rifle Club having been held to consider in what manner the Commandant should be entertained a smoke social was decided on. Therefore, on Thursday evening, there was a pleasant gathering at the Ozone Hotel, when members of the Rifle Club assembled in the handsomely appointed first dining-room to do honor to the Commandant. The arrangements were perfect and the tables were nicely laid out, there being a plentiful supply of fruit and pastry to satisfy the wants of the inner man—to say nothing of cool drinks. Mr H. W. L. Tucker (captain of the Kingscote Rifle Club), presided at the first table, having on his right hand the Commandant and on his left Mr F. C. Addison (a former captain of the club.) Others seated at the same table were—Mr C. C. Castine (Secretary of the Rifle Clubs' Association), Mr V. H. F. Cook (the father of the Kingscote Rifle Club) and Mr Nicholls. There was a very fair muster of riflemen present.
The first item on the programme was the loyal toast which was heartily honored. The chairman stated that they had met together to do honor to their guest the Commandant of the South Australian military forces. They must all feel proud to think that Colonel Lee had been able to come down and visit them on Kangaroo Island and, no doubt, the few days the Commandant would spend in our midst would be productive of good results. On behalf of the Club he had much pleasure in extending the head of the South Australian forces a cordial welcome.
Song, Mr Barrett. Mr Main proposed the toast of "The Army and Navy" emphasising as he did so, the necessity of Australia being prepared for a "call to arms." Although there had been no trouble so far the time was coming when there would be. (Hear, hear.) Colonel Lee responded. He could safely speak for both arms of the service as he had had experience in each. The previous speaker had made some pertinent remarks with reference to the defence question. It was always well to be prepared for the inevitable, and a good step in that direction so far as Australia was concerned was the introduction of a certain amount of drill amongst the Rifle Clubs. Effective rifle shooting was a fine thing and should be encouraged—but shooting at targets was only the preliminary canter. A certain amount of drill and the instilling of whole-some discipline was absolutely necessary. (Hear, hear, and Applause.)
Song, Mr F. C. Addison. Mr Partridge proposed " The Commonwealth" and in doing so expressed his pleasure at being present on such an occasion. He referred to the love of the homeland as being an important factor in the building up of the Commonwealth which, he thought, had glorious possibilities in front and, in this enlightened age, the people could avoid the mistakes made by other nations in the past. Australia must in time furnish a very considerable proportion of the naval and military strength of the British Empire. He concluded with the following words :— "May our statesmen make wise laws and our people abide by them, and may our Commonwealth become great among the nations."
Mr Addison propose "Our Guest— The Commandant" who, he felt sure, they were all pleased to see amongst them. He felt sure that Colonel Lee's visit, besides being a pleasure to them would be a benefit and he trusted the Commandant would give them a " rap over the knuckles" if he thought they were at fault in any matter. Any suggestion the Commandant could make for the good of the Club would be heartily welcomed by them all. (Hear, hear.) Mr Nicholls supported. This visit of the Commandant was another proof that Kangaroo Island was beginning to be recognised by mainlanders. They were all heartily glad to welcome Colonel Lee—to welcome him as the head of the military forces in South Australia—as a South African campaigner—and as from one man to another. (Applause.)
The Commandant, in responding, thanked those present for the manner in which they had honored the toast. It was a great pleasure for his wife and himself to visit Kangaroo Island. He believed the Kingscote Rifle Club had some 35 members, of whom 30 were efficient last year, and that there were 10 marksmen and 15 first-class shots. The Club held the proud position of being located on the place where Flinders first landed—in 1802. They had, therefore, history behind them and, no doubt, they would make history. Kangaroo Island was, from what he had seen and gleaned, going to be a very important part of the Commonwealth, and some day it would require protecting. Then, no doubt, members of Rifle Clubs would give practical reasons for their existence. (Applause.)
Recitation, " Waterloo," Mr Part-ridge. Mr R. L. Barrett (hon. secretary of the Kingscote Rifle Club), proposed " The Rifle Clubs of South Australia" (coupled with the name of Mr Castine). In doing so he expressed the pleasure it afforded him to listen to the Commandant's remarks anent the necessity for drill and discipline which, he also thought, was necessary. As had been stated the Kingscote Rifle Club had a membership of 35, the majority having proved themselves efficient. Not so long ago they had spent a jovial evening to celebrate Lieutenant Addison's fine performance at Bisley. He was sure he wished kindred clubs all success and he was very pleased to see Mr Castine present. The chairman supported in a few well-chosen words. Mr Castine, in responding, ex-pressed his pleasure in being present and pride in the South Australian clubs as a whole. he had been doing his best for them for some years, and great strides had taken place. With reference to the Kingscote Club he might say that Mr V. H. F. Cook was the first man who had waited on him with regard to its formation. The club had been formed three years, and had earned the proud distinction of being one of the best country clubs, having the largest number of efficient shots in proportion to number. (Applause).
Comic song, Mr Main. Song, "The Tin Gee-gee," Mr Nicholls. Other toasts honored were—"The Island," proposed by the Commandant, "The Ladies," by Mr Hemer, "The Press" (coupled with the name of the " K.I. Courier"), and "Present and Past Captains of the Kingscote Rifle Club" (Messrs Tucker and Addison respectively). More musical items by Messrs Addison, Barrett, Tucker and Duncan and the singing of the National Anthem concluded a most enjoyable evening. We might add in conclusion that Mr Nicholls rendered valuable service as accompanist to the various items.
1907 Rifle Club Notes.
Colonel Lee (Commandant of the S.A. Military Forces) inspected the targets and range of the Kingscote Rifle Club last Saturday morning. He expressed himself quite satisfied as the regards safety and general appointments of the range. In the afternoon those members who were taking part in the Buchanan Trophy Match (23 all told) were paraded and inspected by the Commandant. After examining the rifles Colonel Lee addressed the men, emphasising the need for rifle clubs learning the practical meaning of discipline and drill, so that, in an emergency, they could be moved expeditiously with the regular forces. He also expressed a wish that more members of the rifle clubs would adopt the khaki uniform, which was both appropriate and conducive to discipline.
The captain (Mr H. L. Tucker) was informed by Mr C. C. Castine (secretary of the Rifle Clubs' Association), that the members of the Kingscote Club, with one exception, owned more private rifles than any other club in the State, and he thought it was one of the "livest."
During the afternoon the ladies entertained Colonel and Mrs Lee and the members of the club to some refreshing afternoon tea on the range.
Appended are the leading scores in the third series of the "James Buchanan" trophy, fired on Saturday :— The handicap limit being 95 no higher score is counted unless made "off the rifle," i.e. with a handicap. A. Rowe (handicap 31), 77, 95 ; W. Cook (30) 95 ; J. Lovering (16) 83, 95 ; G. Rowe (16) 82, 95 ; W. Potter (11) 85, 95 ; V. Cook (22) 73, 95 ; J. Codling (26) 69, 95 ; H. L. Tucker (2) 91, 93 ; H. Partridge (9) 84, 93 ; G. Buick (30) 62, 92 ; R. Barrett (16) 76, 92 ; A. Disher (26) 62, 88 ; J. Northcott (14) 73, 87 ; A. Warren (20) 64, 84 ; F. Addison (scr.) 83. About 20 men from the No. 1 S.A. Company, Australian Garrison Artillery, will arrive on the 26th inst. and will camp for a week at Kingscote. On Saturday, 28th December, they will fire a match at 200, 300 and 400 yards with the local Rifle Club—12 men a side. The following will represent the local club :— H. Tucker, Potter (2), Partridge, Reeves, Murray, Barrett, Codling, G. Rowe, Lovering, Northcott, V. Cook, A. Warren. Emergencies, W. Cook, A. Disher.
Rifle Club Notes. (1907, December 21). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5. Retrieved August 4, 2019, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1916356601907 Hog Bay
THE COMMANDANT'S VISIT. Colonel Lee (State Commandant of the Commonwealth Military Forces in S.A.) accompanied by his secretary (Mr C. C. Castine) arrived by the Karatta on Wednesday last, and during the steamer's stay he was driven out to the site of the proposed new rifle range. He was highly pleased with its position, and congratulated the captain (Mr E. V. Buick) and the secretary (Mr E. L. Bates) on obtaining such a splendid site, and hoped everything would soon be in good going order. He was gratified to find such a large number of members belonging to the club, and, while he admired the men for the loyal manner in which they had stood by their club since its inception, not with-standing the bad shooting facilities afforded, he predicted, with a new range, and more frequent practice, a great improvement in the shooting all round, in the near future. The work of shipping the targets etc. from the old range (which is a considerable distance out of the town) will be taken in hand as soon as possible, and no doubt before long the whizz of bullets will be heard on the new range. The Messrs Johnstone are deserving of praise for their kindness in allowing the range to be on their property.
Hog Bay News. (1907, December 21). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 6. Retrieved August 4, 2019, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1916356881908 PENNESHAW SMALL BORE RIFLE CLUB. The above club was formed only a year or so ago, and has, ever since its inception, been recognised as one of the best and strongest clubs of its kind in the State. Several matches have been fired with mainland teams, Penneshaw on each occasion coming off victorious. This speaks well both for the club and Mr A. Christie, the captain. The latest achievement was the scoring of a win by the local club against Keyneton, the match being fired on December 14, at 100 and 150 yards ranges. The scores were as follows :— PENNESHAW, 100yds. 150yds. Total A. J. Christie ... 60 50 100 Miss R. Trethewey ... 49 50 99 E. C. Trethewey ... 50 48 98 W. Shakeshaft ... 50 48 97 F. Trethewey ... 50 47 97 J. Simpson ... ... 47 48 95 G. McArthur ... 48 47 95 682 KEYNETON. J. Menotsy ... ... 48 49 97 C. Jackman ... ... 47 49 96 J. Jackman ... ... 47 49 96 J. L. Evans ... ... 48 48 96 M. L. Evans ... 48 48 96 A. H. Evans ... 50 46 96 S. Bradshaw ... 47 48 95 672
Hog Bay News. (1908, January 4). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 7. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article191637351FINE SCORE BY PENNESHAW RIFLEMEN.
1908 The Penneshaw Small Bore Rifle Club fired a match against Eudunda the other day. The Eudunda scores are not yet to hand, but we reckon they will receive a severe shock when they see the local tallies. Without a doubt the scores are phenomenal. If the Penneshaw sharp - shooters don't soon get out of form we are afraid the other clubs won't want to take them on. At any rate when the next big war breaks out it is a certainty that the local shots will be given first - class certificates as 'snipers.' The under-mentioned scores are enough to make the Eudundas weep.
PENNESHAW. 100yds. 150yds. Total. E. C. Trethewey... .50 50 100 A.J. Christie ... 50 50 100 J. Simpson ... 49 50 99 G. McArthur ... 49 50 99 Reg Bateman ... 50 49 99 Fred. Trethewey... 50 49 99 Andrew Howard ... 50 49 99 Total ... ... 695
Hog Bay Notes. (1908, February 1). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 6. Retrieved August 4, 2019, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article191630180THE DUDLEY RIFLE CLUB.
The committee of the Dudley Rifle Club (Messrs S. F. Neave, S. W. Simpson, Reg. Bateman, E. V. Buick Capt., Fred. Buick and E. L. Bates, hon. sec.) met on Saturday evening to consider the question of the new rifle range. It was decided to use the patent shutter targets, and that tenders be called immediately for the construction and fitting up of the range. The committee will again meet next Saturday when the question of the acceptance of tenders will be dealt with.
Hog Bay Notes. (1908, February 29). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 3. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article191634948Kingscote Rifle Club Notes.
The fourth and final shoot for this trophy took place on Monday last. The weather conditions were abso lutely the most unfavorable that have prevailed during any match. A small gale blew from alternate sides of the range all day and marksmen would have to shoot about 7 feet on one side and perhaps the next shot would have to fall 6 feet the other side to hit the bullseye. As A rule the first seven men averaged about 85 out of a possible 105, but on this day only one man scored 80 off the rifle. The aggregate of the three best day's shoots were to count and 95 was fixed as the handicap limit. There was sonic excitement as the last two men, Lovering and Codling, went down at 600 yards as both had a chance of beating Wm. Potter who was then in the lead. However, the wind proved too good for them and Potter came out a winner beating Codling by one point. Mr Potter's win was most popular as he has been one of the keenest rifle shots since the establishment of the club four years ago. The Cup is a solid piece of silver ware with double handles and stands on an ebony pedestal. The donors have promised to have a suitable inscription engraved thereon. Appended are the best scores : — Wm. Potter (hdcp 11) 282; J. Cod-ling (26) 281 ; G. Rowe (16) 280 ; J. Lovering (16) 277 ; V. Cook (22) 275 ; R. L. Barrett (16) 272 ; A. Bowe (31) 270 ; F. Addison (scr) 265 ; H. Hemer (22) 265 ; A. Disher (26) 265 ; W. Cook (30) 264.
Kingscote Rifle Club Notes. (1908, February 1). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 6. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1916302091912 The Kingscote Rifle Club members were busy at practice last Saturday. Some excellent work was done, especially so considering that for over four months very little practice had been indulged in. A special feature during the afternoon was the excellent shooting by two young members, R. Carter and H. Cook. At 200 yds both young men put up 24, and at 300 H. Cook just beat R. Carter by a magpie. O. Schearer also shot well, scoring 29 and 31. It is the intention of members to endeavour to arrange a shoot every Saturday until all class firing is complete. Following are the scores : — 200 300 Total H. Partridge ... 33 30 63 O.Schearer ... 29 31 60 J. Codling ... 30 27 57 W. Cook ... 31 25 56 V. H. F. Cook ... 27 25 52 H. Cook ... 24 24 48 E. Carter ... 24 21 45
Rifle Notes. (1912, May 4). The Kangaroo Island Courier, p. 5. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article1916371901912 Kingscote Rifle Club. The annual general meeting of the above club was held at the Queenscliffe Hotel on Wednesday evening. Present : Captain V. H. F. Cook and ten members. Minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. CAPTAIN'S REPORT. Gentlemen. — I have the honor as your Captain to report on the past year's shooting. The only trophy fired for this season was the Queenscliffe Family Hotel Shield, presented by Mr Chas. Anderson. Several team matches have been arranged amongst the members, and have been very keenly con tested, and have proved to be splendid practice, as in these matches the captain of each side coaches his men ; these matches should be encouraged. The Prince of Wales' Birthday Match was fired for the Capitation Grant money, 17 riflemen firing, which was very satisfactory. During the year the club has lost two valuable members in the persons of Messrs C. C. Castine and H. Hemer. The former is sadly missed as his sound advice to young shots was much esteemed. The latter is also missed as he was always to be depended on to put in good work with the rifle and also as a committee man. The handicapping on a whole has been very satisfactory, Mr H. E. Partridge taking the place of Mr Castine, and the close results in several matches go to prove that the handicappers know their work. The Queenscliffe Family Hotel Shield was won by Mr A. H. Anderson, and I am sure you all congratulate him on being the first to have his name engraved on the shield. F. Mawby came second, he is one of the most consistent and hard workers of the club, and J. Codling, who takes third place, is also a regular attendant at the range. The winner of the first stage was A, H. Anderson , 15/ ; H. Partridge, 2nd, 7/6 ; F. Mawby 3rd, 5/ ; O. Scherer, 4th, 2/6. In the second stage W. Cook secured the first prize of 10/; A. H. Anderson, 2nd, 6/ ; H. Partridge, 3rd, 3/ ; H. Hemer, 4th, 2/. In the last stage F. Mawby was first, 8/ ; A. H. Anderson, 2nd, 4/ ; J. Codling, 3rd, 2/6 ; W. Cook, 4th, 1/6. In the Grand Aggregate A. H. Anderson was first, 15/; F. Mawby, 2nd, 10/ ; J. Codling, 3rd, 5/. The Prince of Wales Birthday Match was won by H. E, Partridge, £1 ; B. Carter, 2nd, 10/, I know you all congratulate this young shooter who promises to make a name for himself as a rifle shot. W. W. Cook secured third prize 7/6; O. Scherer 4th, 5/6 ; A. H. Anderson, 5th, 2/6, this shooter unfortunately getting sand in his eye after putting on five successive bulls. He is the best shot with F. Mawby close handy, I thank the committee and members for their regular attendance and assistance at the range and meetings, and feel assured that the Kingscote Rifle Club will not be allowed to die out whilst they all pull together. I would suggest that in the coming year there be one or two head and shoulder matches; it will materially assist in keeping up the club's efficiency and is good practice. It is to be regretted that the townspeople do not offer yearly prizes for the club, as it is the cleanest of sport. Major Esselbach has kindly offered a guinea prize to be fired for this season, and I am sure you all appreciate his thoughtfulness, and we welcome him to our ranks. Mr Page has also kindly offered 10/ as a prize. In conclusion let me make an appeal to fathers to see that their sons join a rifle club, as it is one of the best sports that a young man can take on, and it is also a good education, which at some time may prove of value to his country, I thank you all for your hearty co-operation in rifle club work. The balance-sheet, showing a bank balance of £16/9, and a credit balanoe of £6 16/9, was read by the secretary, and on the motion of Mr F. Mawby, seconded by Mr H. E. Partridge was adopted as read. The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place and the following were elected ; Captain, Mr V. H. F. Cook. Secretary, Mr W. W. Cook, Treasurer, Mr H. E. Partridge. Committee, Messrs A. H. Anderson, F. Mawby J. Codling and D.C. Murray. Handicap Committee: Messrs V. H. V. Cook, A. H. Anderson and H. E. Partridge. Mr H. E. Partridge moved that the special tie regulations of the S.A.N.E. Association be adopted by the club. Seconded by F. Mawby.--Carried. Donations of £l 1/ from Mr Esselbach and 10/ from Mr J. Page, to be given as prizes, were received with applause, and on tbe motion of Mr W. Cook, seconded by Mr O. Scherer it was decided to give the donations as first and second prizes in a match to be fired at 700 yards, 10 shots. Mr Partridge proposed that the Capitation Grant be fired for under the musketry corps conditions. Seconded by F. Mawby. — Carried. Mr W. Cook proposed that the medal presented by Mr O. A. Anderson be fired for over the same ranges as last year, viz. 200 and 300, 500 and 600, and 300 and 600 yards the aggregate to count, Seconded by Mr Partridge. — Carried . The prizes won during the year were then distributed by the Captain. Captain Cook moved a vote of thanks to the retiring secretary (Mr A. Anderson) for his four years' service to the club. Seconded by Mr Partridge,— Carried. Mr F. Mawby proposed a vote of thanks to the officers of the club for the manner in which they had carried out their duties during the past year. Seconded by Mr D. C. Murray.— Carried.
Kangaroo Island Courier , Saturday 10 August 1912, page 4 http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article191641198