Brass Band

Kingscote Band 1920. Back row L to R: Alec Neighbour, Laurie Gilberson, Struan Buick, Mick Uren, Ken Cook. Front row: George Keley, H. Uren, Stan Uren, Bill Lock. Little girl: Lourel Uren. Photo courtesy Hope Cottage Museum


KINGSCOTE, November 15.-A social and dance were held on Monday evening at the council hall in aid of the Kingscote Brass Band. The attendance was good. Together with the amount that has been collected there is now about £15 in hand towards the purchase of the brass instruments and drum, which have arrived from Adelaide. The band played the dance music throughout the evening. Last Tuesday, during the luncheon hour, through the courtesy of the P.M. here (Mr. Lamprey) the Kingscote Brass Band played selections through the telephone to Cape Willoughby and Cape Borda Lighthouses. The music was much appreciated by the watchers by the sea at either end of the island. Cape Borda is about 70 miles westerly from Kingscote, and Cape Willoughby is about 50 miles easterly.

MUSIC FOR WATCHERS BY THE SEA. (1906, November 24). Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), p. 15.

BRASS BAND.— The above deserves every encouragement it can possibly obtain from townsmen and others. A town without a band (especially a seaport town) is at a great loss and the young men who turn up regularly to practise every week for the purpose of working up to the proficiency in the use of their instruments are worthy of all praise. The present band was started some months ago under Bandmaster Dewar and it has been steadily progressing. The strength of the band is as follows :—Cornets—3— W. J. Dewar (Bandmaster), W. Grimm and J. Woods ; solo tenor, Oscar Shearer ; Walter Kahne, baritone ; H. J. Hemer, euphonium ; George Kely, E. flat bass ; M. Smith, drum. There are also several learners. The bandmaster or members of the committee will be pleased at any time to interview candidates for membership. Messrs Hemer Bros., from the outset, have materially assisted the band by placing their shop (out of business hours) at the disposal of the members for practice.

Concert on Monday Night. (1907, November 16). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5.

Kingscote Brass Band Items.

There is about £6 owing for music and instruments. It is necessary to get several more instruments. All monies collected on Saturday nights go towards paying off the Band's debt. All members of the Band have to pay a small weekly subscription towards the Band funds. The Bandmaster devotes his time instructing the bandsmen, free of charge. The following players own instruments :— Bandmaster Dewar, W. Grimm, J. Woods, B. Hemer, and W. Cook. The Town Band owns the drum and five instruments.

Kingsote Brass Band Items. (1907, December 7). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 2.

Band Recital.

The Kingscote Brass Band (under Bandmaster Dewar) will render a programme of music in the streets this evening.

BAND RECITAL. (1908, January 25). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 4. Retrieved March 14, 2019, from
Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), Saturday 11 July 1908, page 4

The band seems to have been - er - disbanded between 1909 to 1921, when there was a brief resurgence.

The newly formed Kingscote Brass Band dispersed selections during the day, and considering the short time it has been in existence their performance was creditable. Praise is due to the veteran bandmaster (Mr. George Cox) for the way in which he has brought the band forward.

(1921, March 19). Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), p. 7.