Dramatic Club
HOG BAY, December 3.-The Kingscote Dramatic Company visited Hog Bay on November 27 [1906]. A concert was given in the council hall in the evening, when the farces "Done on both sides" and "The magic penny" were well staged by Messrs. Barrett, Tucker, Harliery, Partridge, and Smith, and Misses V. Gobell and F. Horricks. A dance concluded the evening's amusement, Mr. W. G. Cornock acting as M.C.
THE COUNTRY. (1906, December 5). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 8. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article5117943
The Kingscote Dramatic Club provided a good night's amusement on race night, December 31. There was a crowded audience. The plays staged were "My Turn Next" and "Done on Both Sides." The parts were taken by Misses Gobell, Horocks, and Cook, Messrs Martin, Smith, W. Cook. W. R. L. Barrett, and W. Hartwig. W. R. L. Barrett was stage manager, and Mr. Whitters had charge of the scenery.
THE COUNTRY. (1907, January 9). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), p. 4. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article5051980
KINGSCOTE (K.I.), July 29 [1907].—The Kingscote Dramatic Club staged "Bitter Cold" at the council hall on Thursday evening. The building was crowded, and the want of a larger room as well as a good stage was apparent. Many persons were unable to gain admittance. The scenery was painted by Mr. A. R. C. Whltters. The following took part and ably carried out their duties:—Miss B. Porter (heroine) and Miss Cook, and Messrs. R. L. Barrett (villain), C. Harting. M. Smith (hero), H. L. Tucker, W. Cook, and Partridge. Mrs. Strawbndge acted as pianist, assisted by Messrs. W. Dewar (cornet) and J. Disher (violin). Miss Lamprey and Mr. Main contributed to the evening's amusement.
(1907, August 3). Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), p. 44. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article163166034
Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), Saturday 20 June 1908, page 5
The Kingscote Dramatic Company, after lying dormant for months, suddenly became galvanised into activity a few weeks ago and, as a result, presented a highly enjoyable ' bill of fare' to a packed house in the Council Hall on Thursday evening. Preparatory to the commencement of the entertainment the Kingscote Town Band (under Bandmaster Dewar) rendered an enjoyable programme of instrumental music in front of the hall. On entering the building the need of a much larger structure was again emphasised. All seats were full, the hall being filled to overflowing, all standing room being taken up. Furthermore the ' green-room' is just about large enough for two adult persons to turn round in. In fact, although the present building has played its part well in the past, the growing requirements of the place demand that a large hall be constructed as soon as possible. A spiritedly rendered overture by Mrs Strawbridge (piano), Mr W. J. Dewar (cornet), and Mr A. Disher (violin), served as an introduction to the first part of the programme— the farcical comedy "Who is Who," or "All in a Fog."
The various parts were taken as follows : — Simonides Swanhopper (a modest young bachelor), Mr R. Meredyth-Wyly ; Lawrence Lavender (a valet), Mr G. G. Wallace; Bloomfield Brambleton (a country gentleman), Mr E. F. Lock yer ; Cicely (Brambleton's daughter), Miss H. Snelling ; Matilda Jane (a superior housemaid), Mrs B. Aldersey. Mrs Aldersey acquitted herself in a manner that would have won praise in professional ranks, while Miss Snelling, in portraying her part, proved herself to be a promising member of the Co. The menfolk were all 'on their mettle' and materially backed up the ladies in presenting a most enjoyable comedy.
After another overture by the orchestra, the 2-act comedy "Au Revoir" was introduced, Mr R. L. Barrett, as Sir John Merrincourt, was well up to hie usual excellent form as a first-class amateur, while Miss Berriman capably filled tbe part of Lady Merrincomt, Miss Lamprey that of Sylvia (their daughter), and Mr G. G. Wallace (Lord Cranleigh). Mr M. Smith, as Robert (buttons), and Miss A. Blundsfcone, as Jane (housemaid), evoked outbursts of merriment throughout. The evening was a decided success, and Mr R. L. Barrett (stage manager) and Mr M. Smith (secretary), are to be congratulated thereon. A word of praise is also due to Mr A, H. Whitters, who attended to the arranging of the scenic effects and the ' make-ups' and whose artistic taste in these matters largely contributed to the success of the evening. The orchestra also rendered effective service. At the conclusion of the entertainment a dance was held to music provided by Mr W. J. Dewar. We might add that the people are already looking forward to another entertainment by the Kingscote Dramatic Company.
Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), Saturday 15 August 1908, page 4
Kingscote Dramatic Company. (1908, August 15). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 4. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article191629747