1907 Kingscote Athletic Club.
The first Picnic Sports Meeting of the Kingscote Athletic Club was held on Monday last, 11th inst., on the Kingscote Recreation Ground, there being over 400 people present, including visitors from Adelaide, and also from Hog Bay and other parts of Kangaroo Island. The visitors from the city and Hog Bay availed themselves of the excursion by the steamer Kooringa. The departure of the vessel being delayed from the usual time (10 a.m.) to 6 p.m. The weather was all that could be desired and the various events contested interesting. The Sheffield Handicap (won by H. Pollock) caused the most excitement. In the first heat of the second round M. Smith who looked "a sure thing" for second place and was running well had the misfortune to fall just as he reached the mark ; he, therefore, lost his chance for the final run. Another interesting contest was the High Jump, the contestants being H. Reed and W. Grimm, the former being the victor with the fine jump of 5ft 4in. Rolling the Barrel, won by F. C. Humphris, was a most amusing item, as also was The Old Buffers' Race which caused considerable amusement, Mr Frank Ayliffe being the successful man. Mr H. G. Taylor, acted as starter in a highly capable manner. A feature of the day's outing was the pleasing music discoursed by the Kingscote Brass Band which, under the leadership of Bandmaster Dewar, discoursed the following programme : —March, "Will ye no' come back again" ; waltz, "Jolly Good Fellows" ; march, "Starlight" ; schottische, "Golden Curls" ; march, "Happy Go Lucky" ; waltz, "Sweet Springtime" ; march, "Ingomar," and The National Anthem. The Publican's Booth was under the capable supervision of Mr F. H. Winch and the day being a warm one for Kangaroo Island many thirsty mortals adjourned there. Following are the results of the various events :—
MAIDEN PLATE. C. H. Humphris, 1; J. Coad, 2. Other starters— G. McArthur, A. E. Betts, W. Grimm and J. G. Robinson. BOYS' RACE (under 15). J. Palmer, 1 ; Roy Carter, 2.
SHEFFIELD HANDICAP—FIRST ROUND. First Heat. A. A. Disher, 16 yards, 1 ; M. Smith, 4 yards, 2. Second Heat. H. Pollock, 17 yards, 1 ; C. Anderson, 16 yards, 2. Third Heat. A. Rowe, 18 yards, 1 ; P. Dunn, 6 yards, 2 Fourth Heat. W. Grimm, 9 yards, 1 ; A. C. Snelling, 3 yards, 2.
SECOND ROUND. First heat. H. Pollock, 17 yards., 1; A. A. Disher, 16 yards, 2. Second Heat. A. Rowe, 1 ; W. Grimm, 2. Final. H. Pollock, 17 yards, 1 ; A. A. Disher, 16 yards, 2; W. Grimm, 9 yards, 3. HIGH JUMP.—H. Reed, 1 ; W. Grimm, 2.
OLD BUFFERS' RACE.—F. H. Ayliffe, 1.
ROLLING BARREL.— F. C. Humphris, 1. 135 YDS.
HURDLE RACE.—A. A. Disher, 14 yards, 1; P. Dunn, 5 yards 2.
440 YDS HANDICAP.—H. Pollock, 30 yards, 1 ; A. A. Disher, 27 yards, 2 ; A. C. Snelling, 5 yards, 3.
2-MILE BICYCLE RACE.—H. P. Schafer, 150 yards, 1 ; G. B. Airy, 210 yards, 2 ; W. Kahne, 170 yards, 8.
THE OFFICE-BEARERS. The secretary (Mr M. Smith), worked hard to make the sports a success, and is to be congratulated thereon. He was backed up by an efficient committee. Following is a list of office-bearers : —Judge, Mr F. C. Addison ; starter, Mr H. G. Taylor ; handicappers, Messrs J. Olds, junr., and H. G. Taylor ; committee, Messrs F. C. Addison, J. H. Carter, F. H. Winch, C. T. Main, C. Anderson, H. Hemer, and M. Smith (the secretary).
Kingscote Athletic Club. (1907, November 16). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5. SPORTS AT EMU BAY.
1907 — A sports meeting will be held at Emu Bay on Christmas Day (Wednesday next) when a good time is anticipated. The following pro-gramme has been drawn up for the occasion:—Foot Races—Maiden Plate (100yds.) All-Comers (150yds,), Boys Race (under 16), High Jump, Girls Race: Bike Races—Maidens (halfmile), All-Comer (1½ miles), Forced Handicap (three-quarter mile); Horse Races— Maidens (half-mile), Xmas Cap (¾mile), Hurry-Skurry (half-mile).
The Kohinoor Mine. (1907, December 21). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 4. Retrieved August 4, 2019, from