
An excellent book is available:  Kangaroo Island Shipwrecks : an Account of the Ships and Cutters Wrecked Around Kangaroo Island by Gifford Desmond Chapman. The rugged, surf-bound and precipitous coastline of Kangaroo Island has claimed many ships and lives, particularly during the early part of the 1800s. In the latter years more lighthouses were constructed, so shipping can navigate with greater safety. Over ninety vessels have foundered on the island.

Ship Duncow, near Cape du Couedic, Kangaroo Island, the vessel was abandoned on 25 May 1897 and was found several days later, safely riding at anchor. The cape is located on the western tip of Kangaroo Island and is named after the French naval officer Charles Louis du Couedic, the Seigneur de Kergoualer (1740-1780). The "Duncow" was laden with mining timber from NW America bound for Port Pirie. The tug "Yatala" rescued the crew but later replaced them when it was safe." 

1897, State Library of South Australia.

1853, Nov 25   Osmanli  Latmax: -35.97 Lonmax: 137.63 D'Estrées Bay  5 crew 40 passengers all survived  Osmanli Shipwreck 

1856, June 29  Goulburn (barge)  off Christmas Cove  Three deaths  Goulburn shipwreck 

1860, May 22nd  Fides  off Snug Cove  10 drowned, 5 survived  Fides Shipwreck 

1874, August 8  Fairfield off Cape Cassini. All hands saved. Fairfield Shipwreck

1877, May 14  Emily Smith  Latmax: -36.01 Lonmax: 136.68 near Cape du Couedic  16 passengers, 10 crew, 4 survived  Emily Smith Shipwreck 

1884, April 14  Mimosa  Stokes Bay  All hands saved  Mimosa shipwreck 

1885, June 16th  Mars  off Western Cove  4 drowned, 14 survived  Mars Shipwreck 

1889, Jan 26  Maldon Lewis  onto rocks off Point Morrison  all survived, ship was able to sail to Pt Adelaide  Maldon Lewis on rocks 

1890, June 14  You Yangs  nr Pelorus Island, Latmax: -36.07 Lonmax: 137.46  21 crew, no fatalities  You Yangs Shipwreck 

1899, April 24th  Loch Sloy  Brothers Rocks, Maupertius Bay   30 drowned, 4 survivors  Loch Sloy Shipwreck 

1905, September  Loch Vennachar  off West Bay  all hands (27) drowned  Loch Vennachar Shipwreck 

1906, November 18  Montebello  1 km west of Stunsailboom River  No deaths, 40 hands saved  Montebello Shipwreck 

1915, July 26  Vera  near Cape du Couedic jetty  The master and two crew members escaped the wreck  Vera Shipwreck 

1917, February 2  Kona  off Cape St Alban's  All survived, cargo of timber lost  Kona Shipwreck 

See also accounts of SA shipwrecks not necessarily on K.I.

30 August 1934

Admella 1859

16 July 1936

1856 Port Elliot Five Wrecks In Nine Months Showed Insecurity Of Harbor. Commodore. the Josephine L'Oizeau; Goulbourn; Swordfish and the Lapwing.

4 August 1932

1859, that the Admella was wrecked near Cape Northumberland with a loss of 85 lives. 

28 February 1935

1855 Nashwauk Port Noarlunga 

4 October 1934

1888 Star of Greece Port Willunga 

17 October 1935

1838 Fanny

12 March 1936

1857 Guichen Bay (Robe)  Phaeton in February, the Sultana in April, and the Konig Willem in June

24 January 1935

1856 off Lake Bonney (Robe) Naroon or  Vroon ??

12 September 1935

1853 Osmanli 

9 April 1936

1837  South Australia, Solway, and John Pirie driven ashore At Encounter Bay

[1901] For Shipwrecked Sailors.


THE gunboat Protector, which left Port Adelaide on Monday on a cruise with the Naval Reserve, took two shelter huts to be erected on the inhospitable south-west coast of Kangaroo Island for the use of shipwrecked people. Since the wreck of the Loch Sloy, and the awful privations which the survivors endured there, the necessity of these has been painfully apparent. The huts, which have been built in sections, are composed of hardwood and iron, and measure 10ft. by 10ft. Each will have a table, to which are fitted boxes hermetically sealed/containing blankets, food, and matches. A tank of water, a boiler, and distress signals will also be provided. Directions tor communication with the settlers' dwellings or Cape Borda lighthouse station will be placed in conspicuous positions, while finger posts will be erected along the coast line giving directions in English, German and French as to the locale of the huts.

Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954), Wednesday 21 August 1901, page 6


[1922] Under the heading, 'Robinson Crusoes Catered For,— provisioning the desert islands,' The London Daily Chronicle prints the following sensational paragraph:— Budding Defoes will need to look about carefully for eligible shipwreck sites. Some of our modern Governments are pampering the shipwrecked mariner to an absurd degree, so that it is becoming more and more difficult to play Crusoe. Kangaroo Island, for instance, off the south coast of Australia, has, according to a writer in 'The Elder Dempster' Magazine, been robbed of its desert romance. The disappointing official entry runs thus: — A provision depot is established at West Bay, Wrn. side of Kangaroo Island . . . the following items are now there:—six pairs boots, 6 pairs blankets, 100 lb. biscuits, 2 dozen tins assorted meat, 5 lb. sugar, 1 screwdriver, 1 pannikan, 3 lb. tea, fresh water, 1 gross matches, 6 lb. salt, 1 dozen tins condensed milk, 1 case distress signal rockets and directions (including a map). Some islands have been fitted out with signposts, some are regularly visited by relief steamers, and supplied with instructions in four languages. It is believed in some quarters that the authorities concerned have recently received official tidings of Mr. Crusoe's mishap, and have resolved to soften the lot of future heroes. One island is provided with a raft.

Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Thursday 2 November 1922, page 10