Christel Henry HARTWIG
Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), Saturday 14 December 1907, page 5
Farewell Social and Presentation.
On Wednesday evening last some 50 or 60 ladies and men assembled in the Council Hall, Kingscote, for the purpose of spending a farewell social evening with Mr C. H. Hartwig who, after acting as telegraph operator and assistant-in-general to Mr R. Lamprey at the Kingscote P.O. for some time (during which he had gained the respect and esteem of all) has been transferred to the G.P.O. Adelaide. Mr A Daw J.P. (Chairman of the District Council of Kingscote) who presided, stated the object of the gathering, viz., to bid farewell to their guest who had been among them for several years. He might say that he had known Mr Hartwig as long as anyone on the Island for it was with him he came to stay on his first arrival. Personally he could say nothing but good of him—he was one of the sort who gave very little trouble. Since Mr Hartwig's first arrival in Kingscote he (the speaker) could not see much alteration in him, unless it was that he had grown six or eight inches. (Laughter.) He cordially wished Mr Hartwig every success and prosperity in his future career. (Applause.) Mr John Dewar J.P. stated that his feelings were a mixture of regret and pleasure—regret because they were losing Mr Hartwig and pleasure on account of his promotion. He was a most capable, courteous and obliging official and he was sure it was the wish of all that he would succeed and prosper in whatever sphere of life he might chance to be. He really thought that, with the exception of Mr Lamprey, their guest was the most obliging official he had ever met. (Hear, hear.) Mr V. H. P. Cook J.P. could heartily endorse the remarks of previous speakers and his feelings were also a mingling of regret and pleasure. Their guest would be a loss to Kangaroo Island. Besides his good qualities as an officer of the Civil Service he had taken a keen interest in the local social and sporting world. As a member of the Kingscote Rifle Club he was always amongst the first flight He had also been identified with the Cricket Club and the Loveall Club. (Laughter.) By the way he had made a mistake—he should have said the Tennis Club. He heartily wished Mr Hartwig every future success. Mr R. L. Barrett J.P. could emphasise the remarks of previous speakers. There had been a lot of good things said about Mr Hartwig and he deserved them all. He had known the guest of the evening intimately for some time and looked upon him as a thoroughly conscientious man. He had always been a good townsman and fellow citizen. Mr Hartwig was only a young man who had all the world before him, and he believed he was going to make a thorough success of his chosen career. He regretted Mr Hartwig's departure and trusted he would meet with every success. Mr F. C. Addison added his testimony in favor of Mr Hartwig with whom he had been associated in sport and other matters. If the guest of the evening played the game of life in as clean a manner as he did other games he had no fear for his future. He (the speaker) could not say more than that. Mr Hartwig had lead a good straight life in Kingscote and the speaker felt sure he would continue along the same track. Mr C. G. Palmer stated that it afforded him great pleasure to be present on such an occasion. He could echo all the good things that had been said about Mr Hartwig. He might state that he had the pleasure of being a fellow passenger of Mr Hartwig's on their guest's first trip down to Kangaroo Island, and he could also claim to be the first man who pointed out Mr Lamprey to that gentleman's assistant. He might also add that on the trip referred to he had lost a bet over Mr Hartwig, having made a wager that their guest was the tallest man on board. He found out afterwards, however, before they got into port, that there was another passenger on board who could beat Mr Hartwig by half an inch. He had met their guest on the cricket field and he had always played a straight good game. He wished him every success in his future career. Mr H. Flinders Mitchell endorsed the remarks of previous speakers. To get to know a man thoroughly there was nothing like living with him. He had lived in the same house with Mr Hartwig for some time, and had found in him a man who possessed all desirable qualities. During his stay in Kingscote Mr Hartwig had put in a lot of good work in many ways. He was sorry their guest was departing, but he knew it was for his own advancement to get into a larger office, and he wished him all prosperity. Mr H. W. L. Tucker [Horace William Tucker, accountant Union Bank] had much pleasure in speaking on the subject of the guest of the evening. Amongst all the good things that had been said, no mention had been made about Mr Hartwig's connection with the Kingscote Dramatic Club, and that was an important omission. Most of them could remember how Mr Hartwig had taken up nearly the whole of the stage at different times. (Laughter). As the old soldier in " Bitter Cold" Mr Hartwig had been a distinct success. As captain of the Rifle Club he could speak with some weight on their guest's good qualities as a marksman. He was an easy fellow to get on with and a most obliging official. He would like to assure Mr Hartwig that although he had taken him (the speaker) down at tennis in the final of the recent tour-nament, he did not bear him any grudge. (Laughter). He wished him all future success. Mr R. C. Thorpe could sincerely endorse all that had been said by the previous speakers with reference to their guest. He had found him an obliging and painstaking official, and he wished him every success. Mr R. Lamprey expressed the keen regret he felt at parting with his assistant. He would miss him in many ways. It would be difficult for him or anyone else to estimate how great a help Mr Hartwig had been to him, and he sincerely wished him a prosperous career. The chairman then, on behalf of Mr Hartwig's friends, presented him with a handsome travelling bag as a token of respect and esteem. Mr Hartwig, in returning thanks, expressed the regret he felt on leaving Kingscote, although, of course, the transfer meant promotion. He had always endeavored to do his duty, and if he had given general satisfaction that was sufficient reward. He concluded by paying a high tribute to Mr Lamprey with whom, he stated, it was a pleasure to work. (Applause), During the evening a pianoforte overture was rendered by Miss Lamprey, songs by Messrs F. C. Addison and C. Main, and a recitation by Mr Partridge. At a later stage refreshments (kindly provided by the ladies) were handed round, and a most enjoyable evening concluded with a programme of dancing which was kept up until the small hours of Thursday morning, the music being provided by Mesdames Strawbridge and Addison, and Messrs A. and J. Disher. Mr Hartwig subsequently left for the city per s.s. Karatta.
Farewell Social and Presentation. (1907, December 14). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5.