Penneshaw Nursing Home

Chris Ward has made an attempt at determining the nursing sisters/matrons of the Penneshaw Nursing Home. He says there are many gaps.

Kate  SMITH 1913
EDWARDS   1916
LICKMAN      1917-18
Mildred RYAN 1918  Dismissed within two months Beatrice  COX / COXE   1919 -1925
Grace  ROBINSON   1930  Resigned within ten days
Hannah  DEANE (nee MULLINS)  1930-37               
CONNELL     1938 Dismissed after five months
Alice Maude LE DAN 1936-1939  
MUGGE         1940  Lasted four weeks                         RAMSAY       1940
RUDOULF    1944
Louis MCINTOSH   1944-47    Died and buried in Penneshaw
Margaret MCKENZIE   1948-55
CHILDS         1955
Cynthia  HAYES 1950s
Clare JACKSON     1950s

 E. & O. E

1914 "Nurse Smith Nursing Home" 

American River News. (1914, February 7). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 5

1920 Local Court Room was being used as a nursing home.

Advertising. (1919, July 19). The Kangaroo Island Courier(Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 3.

District Nurse Mrs Cox

District Council of Dudley. (1919, October 11). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 4.

It was resolved that Council apply for a loan for the build of a Nursing Home, as soon as terms of loan are available, and instructed Clerk to apply for a site for the Home on Park Lands, south of pound reserve.

District Council of Dudley. (1919, October 11). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 4.

On Monday evening, Nov. 30, the numerous friends of Nurse and Miss Coxe met to bid them farewell and God speed on the eve of their departure. The large gathering spoke for itself of the popularity of these two ladies...  Mr Davey announced that the most important part of the evening had arrived, which commenced by little Dinney Bates presenting Nurse Coxe with a bouquet of flowers. Mr J. M. Grimshaw then spoke in eulogistic terms of Nurse Coxe's work on the Island during her stay here, and presented her with a beautiful framed illuminated address worded as follows : — ' We, the undersigned, on behalf of the residents of the district of Dudley, meet together for the purpose of presenting to you a small token of our esteem and regard upon the occasion of your severance from us as district nurse. We part with you, with great reluctance and great regret, sincerely thanking you for your conscientious, sympathetic and capable attention in all cases of sickness and distress during your term of some seven years in our midst. We will also miss exceeding ly your generosity and help in all social efforts. We desire you to rest assured you carry with you our best wishes for health, much happiness and prosperity.' — Signed by the ladies of the committee ... Mr Bates in a most capable manner spoke of Miss Coxe's help in the district in all social matters and said that we could ill afford to lose Miss Coxe and her mother ...

DISTRICT NEWS. (1925, December 5). The Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), p. 2.

See Hannah Mary Deane  (Matron, Penneshaw Nursing Home 1930-1937)

Mr Deane came over last Monday July 10th, to collect his and his wife's personal belongings from the Nursing Home. He received word before he left on Wednesday that Sister was gradually sinking, and she passed away before he reached Adelaide. It is a sad ending to their life here. It is just seven years since Sister Deane took charge of the Nursing Home, which was like Mother Hubbard's cupboard when she came.  The District Council bestirred itself, and made improvements, including a new kichen, to the home, and appointed the Women's Committee, which soon got busy and before long with a grant from the Council and a ready response from the public, had the home well equipped with linen, crockery, etc. A gift from the Salt Lake enabled one new bed to be put in, another was purchased by the women's committee. 

Mr Deane and Sister both took a great interest in the home, and the garden was transformed from a wilderness. In Spring it is a picture, and it is to be hoped that the Council will see that it is looked after now. Sister Deane was a very skilful nurse. She had been a member of tbe A.I.F. nursing staff, and had seen service in Egypt, Lemnos Island, and France. 

She was most generous in helping with her advice in home nursing, and could never do enough for the "under dog'" and the aged. Her happy disposition made her popular with all. Mr Deane was a wonderful help to her, and her patients can recall countless little acts of kindness cheerfully rendered by him. Always ready to help in district affairs, he will be missed by a locality that depends greatly on what might be termed the floating population for its social service, as well as for his sardonic humour, not always respectful, but never dull. The sincere sympathy and good wishes of all go with him.

Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), Friday 23 July 1937, page 2PENNESHAW. (1937, July 23). The Kangaroo Island Courier , p. 2.

[1947]  OBITUARY.

The whole district was shocked when news was received on Monday of the sadden death of Sister Loris McIntosh at the Kingscote District Hospital. The late Sister McIntosh had been in charge of the Penneshaw Nursing Home for the past two years. During the short time she had been at Penneshaw she had made many friends as her kindly manner and happy disposition endeared her to all she came in contact. Deepest sympathy is extended to her husband in his sad loss. The funeral took place at the Penneshaw cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The first part of the burial service was held in the Methodist Church, the Rev. C. F. Hore officiating. There was a large gathering of residents and many beautiful floral tributes.

Kangaroo Island Courier (Kingscote, SA : 1907 - 1951), Friday 22 August 1947, page 2

APPLICATIONS are Invited tor the position of District Nurse to take charge of the Penneshaw Private Hospital. For further particulars apply THE DISTRICT CLERK. PENNESHAW

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Monday 24 November 1947, page 13

[1954]  APPLICATIONS, addressed to the Chairman, District Council of Dudley, Penneshaw, are invited from registered trained nurses, to take over the Penneshaw Nursing Home. Government subsidised. Enquiries to the District Clerk, Penneshaw.  . . .  K. R. McKenzie. District Clerk.

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Saturday 4 December 1954, page 21