
1889 A PETITION from the District Council of Kingscote. Kangaroo Island, presented by Mr. H. E. Downer. M.P. yesterday, set out that the council "observes with astonishment and regret a movement in the House or Assembly to vest the supervision of the main roads of the colony in the Government and not in the district councils, as hitherto.' This is regarded as unfair and retrograde. The matter will receive the Government's consideration.

FIFTY YEARS AGO (1939, November 21). The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), p. 17.

Tourism for the Chase really started after Wood Jones visit of 1928, [but the old rough roads were only really accessible by vehicles in the summers and autumns]. Vic Boothby was offering tours in the 1920's on KI, Road Island Tours were operating in 1946 and Bonds starting offering tours 1940 [ but they were not fully operational due to WW2] ---But they started operating regular tours on Kangaroo Island Feb 1946. The bus shown in the photo is probably about mid 1930's vintage? - Geoff Chapman

Flinders Chase - Rangers Cottage. c. 1930.

(Thought to be later- perhaps post war?)

State Library SA B 26228

1935. A deputation representing the district councils of Dudley and Yankalilla, introduced by Mr. Heggaton, M.P., asked the Minister of Local Government (Mr. Blesing) last week that the Government should bituminise the road from Second Valley to Yankalilla, and repair the road from Second Valley to Cape Jervis and from Penneshaw to American River on Kangaroo Island. The deputation contended that such work was made necessary by the running of the daily service between Second Valley and Penneshaw and the tri-weekly mail from Penneshaw to American River. Mr. Blesing said he would consider the matter in connection with the preparation of the 1935-6 roads programme.

News Of The Week At Home (1935, July 4). Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), p. 40. Retrieved August 6, 2019, from

K.I. Transport Service

From 'A Traveller' :— It is with much regret that the Kangaroo island people have learned that the mail con-tract has been given to the airways service. They had hoped that in view of the several large petitions sent to the P.M.G. asking that the mail be given to the K.I. Transport Co., the Government would for once consider the island people. Airways are all very well for air-minded people and for week-enders, but for one travelling with much luggage they are useless, and how about the man on the land with cream and other produce? The Transport Co. has proved a great help to the farmer and the public in general. The K.I. people should pull together and keep the company going.

Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), Wednesday 4 November 1936, page 28