10. Kingscote
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 21 April 1906, page 50
(By Ethel A. Bates.)
Previous to my recent visit to the prosperous little township of Kingscote I had not seen the place for about two years. During that time it had advanced by leaps and bounds, some eight or nine imposing buildings were nearing completion; indeed, so quickly had the population increased that masons were unable to cope with the demand for their labor.
In consequence of this the disused Methodist Chapel, an iron building, situated a short distance from the centre of the town, had been converted into a dwelling house. This homestead attracted much of our attention, the arch-shaped windows, narrow and long, were draped with muslin curtains. This is only one of the many peculiar houses on the Island. Any young rising architect would find on visiting the island a plentiful supply of the newest and most picturesque modes of building with which to enlarge his stock of professional knowledge.
Kingscote has one great advantage, that is, a fairly good harbor, vessels always being able to lie alongside the jetty during rough and inclement weather. The 'Sandspit' lies a short, distance out to sea, directly parallel. Doubtless this accounts for the calmness of the water.
Kingscole is now assuming quite a busy appearance, having some five, or six shops, post and telegraph station, police-station and cell, large two storied hotel, several commodious boarding-houses, and last, but not least, a branch of the Union Bank. The very evident state of prosperity is owing to the fact that much of the land lying to the back of the town has recently been taken up by enthusiastic mainlanders, who are speaking very favorably of its capabilities.
On Saturday evenings Kingscote streets are thronged with promenaders, anxiously waiting for the mail steamer Kooringa to arrive from Port Adelaide.
Kingscote, as a township, in well laid out, everything being very compact and entirely unlike the winding lanes of Penneshaw. Picturesqueness of scenery does not, however, form one of its advantages, and personally, after spending a few days at Kingscote, I was glad to settle my account with my landlord and hurry once more to the dear, sweet, retiring little city of Penneshaw and home, sweet home.