Directory of Kangaroo Island 1928
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Directory of Kangaroo Island.
KINGSCOTE. District Council : Meets third Saturday in the month at 1 a.m. Chairman Mr H. Wheaton J.P. ' Stranraer' MacGiliivray, Mr G. G. Ayliffe Clerk. Office hours 10 am. till noon Mondays. Post Office & Telephone Exchange ; Mr E. C. Murton, Post Master. Open for business 9 am. till 1 p m., 2 p.m. till 6 p.m. Contract Mails close for Adelaide on Mon day at 9.45 am. Parcels at 9.20 a.m. Registered letters Saturdays 6 pm. Late fee registered letters 9.15 Mondays. Poundage mails 7.30 a.m. Fridays. Library : Open from 7.30 p.m. till 8 30 p.m. Thursdays and Saturdays. Secretary, Mr M. Smith, Librarian Miss D. I. Snelling. Banks : Union, Mr C. E. Silvester Manager, State Savings Bank at Union Bank, Commonwealth Savings Bank at Post Office. Places of Worship : St. Alban's Church of England. Messrs V. H. F. Cook and L A. Marks Lay Readers. Methodist Church Mr A. G. Reynolds Home Missionary. Kangaroo Island Agricultur al & Horticultural Society: Mr John Turner President, Mr F. E. Kasehagen Secretary. Shows held on the Kingscote Soldiers Memorial Park about the first week in November. Soldiers Memorial Park: Mr B. Wheaton, Chairman. Mr G. G. Ayliffe Secretary. The Island Lodge : Meets first Friday after full moon at the Masonic Temple Dauncey Street, Mr M. Smith Secretary. Kingscote Lodge R.A.O.B. : Meets in the District Hail every Wednesday evening. Mr D. Clark Secretary. Kingscote District Progress Association: Meets every first Tuesday evening in the month in the Reading Boom. Mr J. Osterstook, Secretary. Kingscote Racing Club: Race meetings held April and December. Secretary Mr B. Turner. Tennis Club: Mr W. W. Cook Secretary. K.I. Athletic Club : Mr P. H. W. Gook Secretary. Football Club: Mr M. Chapman jnr. Secretary. R.S.A. Kangaroo Island Sub Branch : Mr G. A. Turner President Mr F. E. Kasehagen Secretary. Public School : Mr L. A. Marks Head Teacher. Justices of the Peace : Messrs J. Turner, A. Daw. J. Dewar, H. W. Priest and V. H. F. Cook. Police Station: M.C. Gibb.
EMU BAY. POST OFFICE; Mrs W. W. Bates Post Mistress, Telephone Exchange and Public Phone. SCHOOL : Miss V. Burgess, Teacher. SPORTS CLUB : Mr Alex Nash Secretary,
WISANGER. POST OFFICE : - Mr G. Turner Post Master, Telephone Exchange and Public Phone. FOOTBALL & CRICKET CLUBS : Mr H. Turner Secretary. SCHOOL:; Miss A. Burgess Teacher.
NORTH CAPE. PUBLIC PHONE &.TELEPHONE EX CHANGE: At Mr R. W. R. W. Chapman's residence. BAY OF SHOALS : Mr J. K. Buchanan Teacher. AGRICULTURAL BUREAU : Mr G. Barrett Chairman, Mr S. Kasehagen Secretary. Tennis Club: Mr A. J. Turner Secretary.
CYGNET RIVER. PUBLIC PHONE & TELEPHONE EXCHANGE : At Mr E. Burgess's residence. School : Mr. W. L. Moore, Teacher.
MACGILLIVRAY. Post Office & Telephone Ex change : : Mr A. J. Nicholls, Post Master. Agricultural Bureau : Chairman Mr H. J. Wiadrowski, Secretary Mr R.. Wheaton, SCHOOL : Miss Z. Hudson, Teacher.
PENNESHAW. District Council of Dudley: Meets second Monday in the month, Chairman Mr C. W. Hughes, American River, Mr A. Rumball Clerk. INSTITUTE ; Mr A. Stirling, Secretary, POLICE STATION; M.C. Coad Officer in charge. Places of Worship: St. Columba's Church of England. METHODIST : Mr A. G. Reynolds. Post Office & Telephone Ex change: Mr A. Stirling, Post Master. Mails close for Adelaide Monday's 11.30 a.m. Friday's 9.20 a.m. TENNIS CLUB: Mr A. E. MoHugh, Secretary. CRICKET CLUB : Mr R. Neave, Secretary. RECREATION PARK: Messrs A. Rum ball and C. Neave, joint Secretaries. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE : Messrs E. S. Bates, H. P. Murray, S. F. Neave, J. M. Grimshaw, J. H. Davies, F. Buick, C. D, Willson and R. F. H. Jackson.
AMERICAN RIVER. POST OFFICE & TELEPHONE EX CHANGE : Mr C. W. Hughes, Post Master. Progress Association: Mr J. Jensen Secretary. SCHOOL : Miss W. Hughes, Teacher.
SALT LAKE. SCHOOL : Miss B. Hudson, Teacher.
CUTTLEFISH. SCHOOL: Mr H. Miller, Teacher.
LIGHTHOUSES. Cape Willoughby: Mr Mackrell in charge. Cape Borda: Mr E. J, Smith, in charge. Cape de Couedie : Mr H. Beare, in charge. CAPE ST. ALBANS & POINT MARSDEN, A.G.H. Lights.