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Kangaroo Island Pioneers Association
Contact us
Adams, William
Airy, William
Anderson, John Bernard
Attrill, Daniel
Ayliffe, Thomas Hamilton
Ayris, Henry
Bald, Herbert William
Barnes, John Stephen
Barrett, Francis Thomas
Barrett, George
Barr, Robert
Bateman, Colthurst Reginald
Bates, Ephraim Steen
Bates, John
Bates, Joseph Henry
Beare, Thomas Hudson
Bell, George
Bell, Preston Thomas
Bennetts, James
Boettcher, Johann
Brecknell, Henry Emanuel
Bristow, Robert
Brennand, Norman Valentine
Broadbent, Luke
Buck, Robert
Buick, David Weir
Buick, James
Buick, John
John & Frances Buick
Burfitt, Alfred William
Burgess, Alfred Charles
Calnan, Jeremiah
Carr, Hampden
Chapman, Richard
Charlesworth, Hannah
Chenoweth, Henry (Harry)
Chirgwin, John
Christophers, William
Clark , Robert
Cook, John
Davidson, Robert
Davidge, James George
Daw, John Wickham
Daw, John Wickham b.1826
Daw, John Wickham b.1837
Dewar, John
Dunn, Frederick John
Elsegood, Frederick Charles
Finniss, Boyle Traverse
Florance, John Biggen
Gasmier, Frederick George Henry
Geisler, Johann
Giles, William
Gobell, James
Granger, George
Hall, James
Hamilton, William Holmes
Howard, William
Hudson, Sydney
Hughes, Charles William
Johnson, Charles
Johnston, Thomas
Jones, William Daniel
Keley, William
Kleemann, Friedrich Wilhelm
Kopp, John Jacob
Krueger, Johann
Lashmar, Thomas Young
Leahy, Daniel
Lewis, James
Linnett, John
Littlely, John
Lovering, Richard
Luckett, George Ernest
Lykke, Bernt Edward
May, Charles James
McIntyre, William Neil
McWhinnie, George
Milde, August Wilhelm
Mildred, George
Neave, Samuel
Northcott, Thomas
Noske, Carl
Olds, James
Osterstock, Andrew
Paris, George James
Potter, Edward
Powell, Charles Bendin
Ransom, Thomas
Ratcliff, James
Reeves, Samuel
Reeves, Samuel Kemp
Reeves, Charlotte
Reeves, Maria Elizabeth
Reeves, Ellen McLeod
Reeves, Augustus
Reeves, Louisa Allen
Reeves, Isabella Johnson
Reeves, Juliana Stirling
Rowe, James Buttress
Russell, Robert Frazer
Sawyer, Andrew Thomas
Schaefer, Johann
Seymour, William
Sharpe, James
Sheridan, John
Skipper, John Michael
Snelling, Henry
Stirling, Alfred
Strawbridge, William
Sundberg, Martin
Taylor, John Dunn
Thomas, Nathaniel Wallace
Tiggemann, August
Tilka, Martin
Trethewey, John
Turner, Thomas
Vereycken, Peter
Waller, James
Wheaton, Robert
Whittle, Uriah
Wiadrowski, Anton
Williams, George Edward
Willson, Thomas Creasy
Wright, William
Post & Telegraph Offices
John Hirst of Snug Cove
KI Sealers
The First Jetty
Sawmill at Cygnet River
Who swam across Backstairs Passage?
John Batis
Animals introduced to KI
Soldiers research
Dene Cordes interviews Jim Tiggerman
Rapid 1836
Cygnet 1836
John Pirie 1836
Lady Mary Pelham 1836
Emma 1836
Africaine 1836
Tam O'Shanter 1836
Duke of York 1836
Emily and Fanny Boxall were Nurrell
Waves of Development and Social Change on K.I.
District Councils
District Council of Dudley
District Council of Kingscote
Bark Hut
Geisler and Schulz
Hawk's Nest
K.I. not a paradise
Richard Chapman, Point Marsden
Samuel Buck - North Cape
Sidney Osborne Smith
Smiths Bay - Jacka
The Glen
The Springs
Turner Brothers - Smiths Bay
Vivonne Park
The Rocky River District
Chain Lagoons and Camel Back
Andrew Howard - Richmond Park
General Progress Reports
Agriculture and Soil
Flinders Chase and Natural Resources
Geology and mining
Other natural resources
A Few Days in Kangaroo Island
American River 1904
An Official Trip To Kangaroo Island 1880
Article by Rev. John Blacket
Building a canopy for Frenchman's Rock
Building the Flinders Cairn
Captain Sutherland's appraisal of Kangaroo Island
Captain Underwood
Centennary 1936
Charles W Morse
Christel Henry HARTWIG
Diary of Mrs Robert THOMAS
Directory of Kangaroo Island 1928
Dr Lovell Byass
Dr. James Benjamin Harvey
Early Days on K. I.
Extracts from the Diary of Matthew Flinders
Family Life in South Australia - a precis
First report of the Directors of the South Australian Company
Fletcher's Slip
Before 1836
From 1836
From 1900
From Kingscote to Middle River in a whaleboat 1863
George "Fireball" Bates
George Milner Stephen
Henry Wallan
History of Kangaroo Island
Home Mission Notes
Island Cartoons
Island Cartoons 1
Island Cartoons 10
Island Cartoons 11
Island Cartoons 12
Island Cartoons 13
Island Cartoons 13a
Island Cartoons 2
Island Cartoons 3
Island Cartoons 4
Island Cartoons 5
Island Cartoons 6
Island Cartoons 7
Island Cartoons 8
Island Cartoons 9
John Hirst
John Wright
K. I. Birthplace of S. A.
Kangaroo Island and its resources
Kangaroo Island in 1837
Kangaroo Island in 1838
Kangaroo Island in 1843
Kangaroo Island in 1844
Kangaroo Island in 1855
Kangaroo Island in 1866
Kangaroo Island in 1868
Kingscote in 1879
Kangaroo Island in 1888
Kangaroo Island in 1905
Kangaroo Island in 1906 - Ethel Bates
1. Scraps of Historical Interest
2. Adelaide's Sanitorium
3. Penneshaw
4. Work on the Island
5. Amusement
6. Religion
7. People we meet
8. Holiday adventures
9. A trip to Kingscote
10. Kingscote
11. China Clay Mines
12. Cape Willoughby
13. Prospect Hill
14. Cape Hart
15. Education
16. Communication
Kangaroo Island in 1910
Kingscote Pioneer Cemetery and Allegations of a "Clique"
Land Commission 1888
Letter from Theresa Chauncey 1837
Mail Carrying
Majority of the Colony of South Australia
Matthew Burnett's trip to Kangaroo Island 1882
Memoirs of William Loose BEARE
Memories of K.I. nearly 40 years ago
Nathaniel Walles Thomas
Notes on Kangaroo Island
Obstreperous Kangaroo Island
Penneshaw Hall
Prior to 1836
Abyssinian Jack
Was Kangaroo Island Ever Populated?
Extracts from the diary of Nicolas Baudin
Recollections of Miss Emily REEVES
Recollections of Pioneer Life
Reg and Olive Bald Interview
Burgess and Bald Ancestors
Register articles 1908
Agricultural Awakening
Dudley Farmers
Haines and Cassini
Hog Bay firebrick industry
Hundred of MacGillivray
Hundreds of Dudley and Haines
Kangaroo Island - the capital
Pioneer Settlers Mr and Mrs John Buick
Railway desired, fruit and other things
S.A.'s Sanitorium
SA's Island - a second boom
The mining industry - a brighter outlook
The pastoral industry
What have they done?
Runaways in the Straits
South Australian Company
The collected writings of "Yacko"
The collected writings of "Yacko" (2)
The collected writings of Wynnis Joyce RUEDIGER
The Foundation of South Australia
The History of KIPA
Foreword - Holmesby pp. 7-12 (extracts)
Introduction - Holmesby pp. 4-6
Island Pilgrimages - Holmesby pp. 24-27
The Birthplace Wrangle - Holmesby pp 13-15
Unofficial Settlers - Holmesby pp. 30-31
The murder of George Meredith
The Tragedy of Dr. Slater and Mr. Osborne
There were pirates on Kangaroo Island
Tolmer in 1844
Tolmer's Reminiscences
Trip Across Kangaroo Island
Travels and Adentures in SA 1836-1838 W.H. Leigh
Union Bank
Who Landed First?
A trip along the North Coast
Journal of a trip to Kangaroo Island 1852
Fatal boat accident 1885
Black Fanny or Mrs Mary Seymour
Dr John Woodforde's Diaries
Real Live Stories of South Australia
Early Experiences of Life in South Australia
Historic Photos
1860 Penneshaw House
Cape du Couedic Lighthouse 1909
Christmas Cove, Penneshaw
Dudley Rifle Club
Faith, Hope and Charity 1906
First Mail Plane 1936
Hog Bay
Kingscote Street Scene 1906
Pink Bay
Penneshaw Brick Works 1909
Remarkable Rocks
South West River
Sydney Hudson's store 1885
Western River Cove
Hotels and Guest houses
American River Hotels and Guest houses
Kingscote Hotels and Guest houses
Ozone Hotel
Queenscliffe Family Hotel
Hog Bay / Penneshaw Hotels and Guest houses
Cape Borda Lighthouse
Cape du Couedic Lighthouse
Cape St Alban's lighthouse
Cape Willoughby Lighthouse
Point Marsden Light
Kingscote Nursing Home
Medical Practitioners
Charles Richard Maitland PATTISON
Edward Augustus LERMITTE
Mary McHugh
Hampden CARR
Penneshaw Nursing Home
Infectious diseases
A History of Firsts - Oldest in S.A.
Address by Vickie Chapman to P.A.S.A.
Dedication of crosses at Penneshaw Cemetery
Dene and Dianne Cordes K.I. History Award
Dene Cordes OAM
Historical News
33 Meet: Pioneers Club Formed
Celebrate our 160th
Club will be KI's mainland voice
Duchess of Kent and Ian Gilfillan
Help SA Celebrate its 160th
John Hart
KI residents mark 160 years of settlement
KI wows pioneers party
Longest Lived Pioneer to be Remembered
Mulberry tree a living link with the past
Mulberry tree planted at Glenelg
One of Most Important Events in KIPA's History
Pioneers Celebrate
SA's Real Birthplace
Ted Chapman
The Old Mulberry Tree
Voyage of the Africaine
K I History Award
K.I. Community Event of the Year
Kangaroo Island Makes History
Little Known Story of Kangaroo Island's Kingscote
Members meeting West Terrace Cemetery Nov 2016
Jean Nunn
Jim Chapman Eulogy
Adrian Waller
Dianne Cordes Obituary
Dean Florance
Neville Cordes
Ivy Wooton
George Lonzar
Hartley Willson
PASA amends its constitution
Settlement Day Ceremonies
Settlement Day 2011
Settlement Day 2012
2014 Settlement Day Lunch
Settlement Day 2015
Settlement Day ceremonies at Reeves Point July 2016
Settlement Day 2022
Telescope from the barque Africaine donated to KI
The wreck of South Australian discovered
Unveiling of Beare Ave Historical Marker
Welcome to Country
Wheatons mark 100 years on K.I.
When a State was born
William Percy Radford
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Survey Results
Position Statements
Position Statement 001
Position Statement 002
Position Statement 003
Public Works
1906 Legislators on tour
American River Jetty
Antechamber Bay Jetty
Ballast Head Jetty
Cape du Couedic Jetty
Emu Bay Jetty
Kingscote Jetty
Muston Jetty
Penneshaw Jetty
Smith Bay
Vivonne Bay Jetty
Roman Catholic
First public house
John Pirie flag
Kingscote Pioneers Cemetery
Other names for Reeves Point?
Reeves Residence
Samuel Stephens
Scottish Immigrants
The Old Gum Tree
Was Kingscote nearly called "Angas"?
Who was Mrs. Brooks?
Wife buries husband in kitchen
American River School
Cygnet River School
Kingscote School
Kingscote School : Prizewinners
Muston School
Other Smaller Schools
Parndarna School
Penneshaw School
Shoal Bay School
Stokes Bay School
Wisanger School
Emily Smith Shipwreck
Fides Shipwreck
Kona Shipwreck
Loch Sloy Shipwreck
Loch Vennachar Shipwreck
Maldon Lewis on rocks
Mars Shipwreck
Mimosa shipwreck
Montebello Shipwreck
Osmanli Shipwreck
Vera Shipwreck
You Yangs Shipwreck
Duncow Shipwreck
Goulburn Shipwreck
Fairfield Shipwreck
Sport & Clubs
Boy Scouts
Brass Band
Dramatic Club
K.I. Show
Kingscote Young Peoples Club
Literary and Debating Society
Masonic Lodge
Penneshaw Mutual Improvement Society
Rifle Club
Table Tennis
Toc H
Debutante Ball
Tasmanian Aborigines on K.I.
Those who served
After WW2
Arthur Glen BATES
Edwin Arthur SCHERER
Errol Wayne NOACK
Jamie Ronald LARCOMBE
Kevin Raymond FIELD
Robert Clive HALLORAN
Steven James GUM
Soldiers Before WW1
Claude Clement CASTINE
George Ernest LUCKETT
James Burton AYLIFFE
John Philip RYBERG
William AIRY
William Lionel AYLIFFE
WW1 Honour Boards
Soldier Settlers
Time line
Useful links
Jean Nunn Collection
Our Brave Old Pioneers
Ward watercolours
Cottage at Frenchman's Rock K.I. 1897
Cuttlefish K.I. 1896-98
Loading Wool
Penneshaw K.I. 1896-98
Penneshaw. K.I. 1898
Kangaroo Island Pioneers Association
Ted Chapman
The Islander
11 August 2005
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